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  • Kayla Galactic

My Weightloss Journey

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Created April 2021 ~~ last updated October 2022

Weight loss Journey started May 9th 2020

My two years weight loss anniversary is literally 2 months away! ( May 9th 2022) I lost 100 pounds from May 9th to Feb 16th 2021. Below are some examples of what I ate during this time. I am aware that some do not approve of low carb/ Keto Diet. I am here only to share what helped me lose 100 pounds. However always consult with your doctor before major diet changes. There are always different ways to do things in the world as we are all different. As always do what is best for you!

I mainly did intermittent fasting 16:8 and then eventually progressed to 23:1. One meal a day (Omad) Kept my calories 1200-1500 and light exercises (walking, YouTube workouts). No Sugar, Low carb diet. Moderate Keto. Mainly ate veggies ( Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower), Healthy fats( avocado, olive oil). Types of Protein: Salmon, Chicken( dark meat) and occasional steak. I avoided drinking my calories, focused on water and 0 calorie drinks when I wanted something sweet. Tried to keep it interesting did the 3/5 day egg fast, 30 days vegan. Absolutely no cheat days for the first 7 months. Doing all this I was able to get to my 100 pound weight loss goal.

Weight loss Update- February 2022

What I have learnt is losing weight is not the hard part. It is maintaining or pushing forward once you hit a plateau. From June 30th 2021 - January 2022 I started to introduce cheat meals and slowly started gain some weight back - I am now 70 pounds down from my original weight loss of 100 pounds. I have since restarted my journey - eating clean, using the steps mentioned above to lose the 30 pounds. It is definitely harder this time around. A work in progress and forever grateful!

Weight loss Update- April 2022

I am still here hanging on and never giving up. My 2 years is coming up soon May 9th 2022. Bitter Sweet. Since my initial 100 pound loss I have gained some of that weight back. Right now I am working on losing the 30 pounds gained. I am struggling with consistency and motivation. I am grateful I was able to lose the 100 pounds so easily so I know the possibilities. Alot of my struggles come from the fact that I lost 100 pounds but I still need to lose more weight and that I let it get so far out of control. Its interesting how the mind works. Recently started fasting again which I last did in June 2021. Slowly going back to the things that helped me during my initial journey. Regardless of my struggles I am still better off cause old me would of already gained all of that 100 pounds plus more. But I am here fighting still and will never give up.

Weight loss update - October 2022

I am back with an update - it took so long because I have literally spiraled and gained a total of 69 pounds. I have been on my diet for 2 weeks now and this is the first time in a while I feel in control and good. I am going to keep it brief, but I hope my next update will be a success of having lost that 69 pounds. My goal after that is really work on my maintenance habits where I can find a healthy do able balance. No matter what I won't give up because I did it once before I can do it again. I have been eating baked meat and veggies, drinking water only, having Greek yogurt with granola and strawberries when I feel for something sweet and nuts when I feel like eating chips etc. I will be switching it up to cucumbers, tomatoes, salads and fish more often in the next coming weeks. Wish me luck :)

Weight loss update - Feb2023

Hello folks hope you are all well. Bad news and good news.

Bad news first gained all my weight back :(

Good news I've been on track the last 10 days:)

Determined to get back where I was... I need to break this cycle.

I took it back to the basics one meal a day consistent of protein&veggies and meal replacements when I feel hungry max 2 a day , water only watch salt intake and no sugar or carbs.


Tip :Seasonings focus on using no salt options as these do not usually have hidden sugar. However if you cannot eat without a little salt then use pink Himalayan. If you are going to use butter use no salt grass fed. Weigh your food in Grams and calculate accurate calories based on the nutritional label on packaging.

Disclaimer: I am not offering professional advice. Please consult your doctor before any major changes to your diet. Videos/Pictures are not my own and are the property of the rightful owners.


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